Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My inspiration to create my own blog to record my thoughts and adventures thru the pastry world came from my pastry chef and another blog I happened to stumble upon one day: Bonbini.

I was searching for unique flavors for french macaroons and came across her black sesame w/ red bean paste macaroon, which I had never heard before. As I continued to peruse her blog, I found the contents of her blog, especially the pastry and dessert ones quite fascinating. I found myself going back to check for new pictures and recipes every week. There is something so refreshing about the way she experiments with recipes and I rather liked the concept of a blog devoted to her love of culinary arts.

My pastry chef also has inspired me to create my own blog, unbeknownst to him, by giving me a book of his to read and study: Paco Torreblanca. He loaned me his book quite awhile ago, and it is only now, 2 months later, that I have finally begun to pick it up and decipher the contents. I began taking some handwritten notes of what I was reading, because my memory is shit and I know I won't remember half the stuff I've read a month from now. Then I thought it would be quite easier to computerize my thoughts and notes as Bonbini has done. I had also grown weary of the long nights in front of my computer playing trivial games and vegging out in front of the tv on a daily basis. My chef has tried to instill the importance of reading on me in the hopes of trying to make a pastry chef out of me and I think I've finally caught on to his words of wisdom.

And so, with that said, this blog will become a journal of notes and thoughts of me and my career as a future pastry chef.

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